פרלמנט מדעי לנוער ירושלמי
Climate change adaptation
Members of Parliamen:
Louis Bungartz (Bonn), Helena Richter (Bonn), Farnaz Zonoobi (Bonn), Emma Runde (Bonn), Zohar Aviv (Jerusalem), Dina Zusmanovich (Jerusalem), Ben Bespalov (Jerusalem), Michael Kurtser (Jerusalem)
Isabel Rutkowski

Decision offer of the committee for climate adaptation
The committee:
Recognizes that one should live more sustainably, especially with regard to clothing and food waste. Consumption should be reduced and the ecological footprint should be minimized.
Is concerned that the food in the cafeteria is not ethically produced nor climate friendly. Avoidance of plastic waste in schools should be maximized.
Is worried about all the trash that builds up when there’s no recycling system (for example, for chewing-gum, like in Sweden) or food that is wasted because of overconsumption.
The lack of recycling bins (in schools) points to the fact that it’s absolutely necessary to inform students about the climate crisis so that they can take action on their own.
Makes it clear that food establishments need to focus more on the sustainability of their products, because of people’s unconscious consumption.
The committee:
Recommends that schools hold events where students can exchange clothing (they can leave clothes they don’t use and take clothes; trade)
Urges schools to work with more sustainable brands when it comes to food and material (like paper…), and additionally guarantee more transparency in the cafeteria when it comes to food and drinks (local, biological, seasonal) and the water cooler in the cafeteria.
Calls for schools to have more recycling opportunities, for example a repair café.
Supports climate change as a topic in classes; for example, creating art out of garbage in art classes and tackling the idea of recycling.
Recommends that schools form a climate committee that focuses on finding more climate-friendly solutions.
Our presntation
The committee discussed several questions. The four main questions were:
How to mitigate the damage that the city does to nature?
How to introduce urban nature services to the city?
How to preserve nature and natural sites when the population grows?
Should we develop natural areas near the city to make them accessible to the public, or rather leave them completely natural?